Joining Somewherein….

I am going to join Somewherein From August 1, 2007 as the PHP Team lead. After spending more than 27 months in ReliSource Technologies  , I have finally made up my mind to switch my job for new challenges and new responsibilities. I am hoping for a great time in Somewherein and to work with the BOBs’ (Best of Bangladesh) and Arild specially.

Wish me best of luck everyone….

Hack: Editing headers in MediaWiki Template.

Have you ever tried to put headers in MediaWiki and tried to edit them from page view? You might have been forwarded to template edit section instead of section edit. If you want to go to section edit section rather than template edit section then this small hack is for you.

here are the steps you have to perform:

1. open includes/Parser.php file from MediaWiki installed directory.

2. find the following line inside the formatHadings function.

# give headline the correct <h#> tag
if( $showEditLink && ( !$istemplate || $templatetitle !== “” ) ) {
if( $istemplate )
$editlink = $sk->editSectionLinkForOther($templatetitle, $templatesection);
$editlink = $sk->editSectionLink($this->mTitle, $sectionCount+1, $headline_hint);
} else {
$editlink = ”;
$head[$headlineCount] = $sk->makeHeadline( $level, $matches[‘attrib’][$headlineCount], $anchor, $headline, $editlink );

if( !$istemplate )

and replace with

if( $showEditLink && ( !$istemplate || $templatetitle !== “” ) ) {
$editlink = $sk->editSectionLink($this->mTitle, $sectionCount+1, $headline_hint);
} else {
$editlink = ”;
$head[$headlineCount] = $sk->makeHeadline( $level, $matches[‘attrib’][$headlineCount], $anchor, $headline, $editlink );


3. now save the file and test the feature.

you are all done to use this hack…