2 thoughts on “My Interview has been posted

  1. Nick Jenkins says:

    Just a quick note to let you know that we’ve added a feed for the MediaWiki tagged topics in your blog to http://open.WikiBlogPlanet.com/ – which is intended to aggregate English-language wiki-related blogs, especially those about the Wikipedia, MediaWiki (i.e. technical stuff about the core + extension code; experiences deploying MediaWiki, etc), and Wikimedia. We try to include a lot of voices for different takes on what’s going on ; Hope this is okay.
    — All the best, Nick.

  2. Nikhilesh says:


    I want to launch a Wiki-based site and I’m looking for someone with your technical capabilities. You can choose to either be a co-founder or work freelance with me on this project.

    Let me know if you have the time and the inclination to start on a new project. You can reach me at nikhilesh[at]gmail[dot]com.

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